Choosing low-cost CMS for your website

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With an explosion of online content is consequently an explosion of content management systems (CMS) available to help you manage this content, with literally thousands of suppliers to sift through. But most CMS still end up being too expensive, too difficult to maintain and possibly inadequate. This is often the result of buying decisions based on technology and business requirements.

So how are chosen CMS solutions? Usually you will compare product features, ask friends and colleagues and look for different analyst ratings. In theory, this should be a great way to choose the right solution and sometimes is, but the content management systems have been around for more than two decades and the features and functionality for the most part are starting to become commoditized. The ' bells and whistles ' that these solutions attempt to distinguish themselves, ultimately, does not have any impact on their specific needs. And, therefore, most solutions you purchase will end up being junked up after they fail to do what they claim. More information about the Cinas can be obtained CMS Content Management System

To ensure the adoption and successful implementation, CMS solution should be implemented as any other large company, with clear objectives and systematic planning mechanisms. So let s look at some best practices that should be in checklist of everyone s before deploying any CMS within your organization.

# 1 CMS set goals

Before installing a CMS, it is extremely important to identify the key business objectives that must be achieved. Business goals can be defined around parameters such as productivity, efficiency, quality, ROI or brand. Without such a clear vision of business goals, implementations of software content management system are very likely to fail. It is not surprising to find that most implementations of CMS often overrun budgets and long-term, consume more time, energy and resources than ever expected-just to stay functional.

I think this step as vacationing in an exotic locale. You can go two ways: I hope that when you get there, all you need and want to do is waiting for you. Or as most of us think so: where you will stay, which sites you'll visit and find all the best deals in the process. That makes the most sense for you?

# 2 assess the content landscape information

The next step is to start collecting details of the scenario of the content of the information. Instead of looking just technology, you should look at how processes, business rules, and the contents are defined.

With these details about the landscape of content information, you can set parameters for CMS selection. The CMS also easily purchased must integrate with multiple systems that affect this landscape, as well as are necessary to help meet your business objectives defined-as campaign management systems or CRM applications. The non sequitur here is: don t buy CMS before defining clearly their needs. You'll save time and resources with a clear roadmap to guide you.

# 3 select the best CMS solution for your organization

Select the right CMS involves consideration of a number of factors, including:

1. ease of use for users and it administrators
Like any other business application, the success of a CMS depends on the adoption by the end user Community. Subject matter experts (SMEs) with no technical knowledge should be absolutely comfortable using the system to achieve the exact look you want for the presentation of content. Similarly, it administrators must be able to easily enforce policies to multiple Websites using a single console and integrate the CMS without effort on organization's it landscape. Consider the responsibilities and roles everyone and make sure that CMS can meet these demands.

Speed deployment
Cinas Technologies, suggest that there is a direct correlation between costs and implementation time/CMS configuration. A CMS that requires extensive coding will surely increase the costs of implementation. Thus, a CMS is effective only if it can be quickly configured and deployed, and as such, requires minimal training to use by non-technical professionals.

The Total cost of ownership (TCO)
Most organizations make the classic mistake of buying a CMS based on the price of the license. The real work of owning a CMS begins after the site is live and as such the maintenance/support CMS shouldering the costs of purchase. Be sure to factor this into their overall costs and deems the TCO of an application to reach an informed decision.

# 4 involve all stakeholders critical

Just as it is important to have top management support for CMS implementations, it is also essential to encourage the participation of internal stakeholders. These content owners must be identified and your feedback on usability tapped to create and customize your system. Non-technical SMEs involved in the design of new CMS will also help minimize the reluctance to use the system. CMS success rests on this CMS acceptance by shareholders.

# Don t 5 forget the aspect of services

As we said in step 3 post-launch begins the real work in any implementation of CMS. There is an increase in levels of effort at the beginning of any implementation-but for a relatively short period of time in comparison with the average lifetime of CMS.

Change is a constant with most Web sites and your CMS should be as flexible as your organization, whether a simple template change or a redesign of the entire site. You need to take into consideration and hope that you will need to have some level of service for your internal it Department, your Web or software vendor

About management and ongoing support, you also need support for basic infrastructure and application software installed. This requires the efforts of a dedicated team, responsible for managing the hardware, software and network.

In some organizations, this is not a problem: with in-house teams dedicated to the HTML template creation and modification, the revisions of the workflow, the architectural changes, support site redesign and training, they can prepare for the worst. But for the vast majority, this is often overlooked as part of an ongoing implementation of CMS. Without this dedicated team of small companies often outsource these services to a third party vendor, increases implementation costs. To avoid the risk of exceeding budget, these costs should be factored into the total implementation costs.

# 6 plan for the future.

How scalable and flexible is the CMS when it comes to incorporate new features or manage a content explosion? Make sure that the chosen CMS partners/suppliers have bandwidth technology and ability to capitalize on rapidly emerging media.


CMS implementation processes can be a long and energy consumption. But following the guidelines illustrated here: clearly defined goals, processes mapped to the application, identified gaps and looking for a custom application with flexibility and scalability, you can help even avoid some common holes and choose the CMS that is right for you.

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