How to add dynamically generated graphs and charts to web pages and applications.

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Not so long ago adding a chart or a chart to a web page or application required a fair amount of programming knowledge and was very time consuming for even the most experienced. However with the tools available today it is possible for almost anyone to add graphs and charts to web pages. With just a little HTML, dynamically generated graphs and charts can be added to web pages and/or applications.

Why use graphs and charts
The web is about making information. Current users tend to be in a hurry and require that information is presented to them clearly and quickly. If your site has a message to convey, which currently is being presented as a table of numbers, it is highly probable that you will benefit from using graphics and charting functionality.

With a table of figures, most people find it difficult to see the meaning immediately, but if these numbers are presented as an image (i.e. a graph), then almost everyone instantly receives the point. Moreover, submit your information graphically is colorful and adds a touch of professionalism. People tend to have more confidence in the information when it is submitted to Nice, clear and professional.

The easy way to create a chart
There are now many charts and graphs packages on the market which makes it very quick and easy for you to build on graphic images of professional quality. The time saved using a solution "outside the box ' is so great that even the most experienced professionals are using these packages. In addition to charting more packages are very reasonable prices.

Before choosing a package there are a couple of things to consider. For example you simply want to display the graphic image to your visitor or would like some level of interaction. for example, certain areas of the data graphic that can be clicked or pop-up displays when the mouse hovers over a particular area. Another consideration is the data source. It is held in a database, file, or anywhere else. Ideally you would want a graphics package capable of fetching the data directly from the source itself.

What graphing packages are available
So far, there are many graphics solutions on the market that fall into the following categories of technology:-

Java graphing Applet solutions-this type of software, to complement the standard graphics, also provides interactive features such as clickable link and mouse-over popup displays. These solutions can be installed on any web server without any server-side configuration or set-up.
Java Servlet graphing solutions these solutions are powerful server-side functionality. Although probably not for the novice are very beneficial to the developer of ' web application '.
Flash graphing solutions-the Flash environment offers some very sophisticated graphics capabilities that led to some of the best looking graphics solutions. Unfortunately the technology can only function when the user has flash installed in your browser. Although generalizing is still very much part of the browsers that cannot display flash content.
PHP graphing solutions-these are probably the most easy to use and implement. With these solutions is possible for a complete beginner to add graphical features to your web page, and applications. But don't be fooled are also very powerful, offering results very good graphics. Today, most web servers can run this software without any additional configuration.
ASP.NET graphing solutions-again, these solutions offer very good graphics results. By the time the number of web servers that run these packages is much less than other categories.

Creating a chart
With the right software package in the process of adding a chart to a web page involves little more than the following:-

Inserting a small piece of HTML into your web page. (usually is given the code and all you have to do is copy and paste ')
Setting some values in a configuration file (e.g. defining things like chart colors and titles etc.)
Setting some values saying the chart where to get the data

Although this is fairly straightforward, sometimes can be a problem. A great advantage of using a good professional package is that help is at hand. If you get stuck at any stage then just ask for help from software, good will always be happy to help. Contrary to popular belief good software companies answer requests for technical assistance in a timely and useful.
Check out the ' learn more ' Link below and try some of the graphics packages today. (they are free to try and you'll be amazed how everything is easy)

Learn more links
Graphics Software, Web page
Graphing Software for PHP
Graphing Software for Java

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